Lucas calls it "Colorful Pasta." :)

Ronzoni has a fairly new line of pasta that supposedly has a 1/2 serving of veggies (i.e. carrot, tomato, and spinach) in every pasta portion.
ooooh... sneaky, sneaky! {evil laugh}
I got the box that has a mix of curly noodles, tubes, and shells (yes, I know there are appropriate names for them...).
Hillshire Farm has precooked grilled chicken (various seasonings) in the deli section. Since I somehow manage to fricasse every piece of chicken that I try to cook (bake, broil, whatever... grilled doesn't count, since Jason does that), this is a great option for me. 60 seconds, and done!
A few cheese cubes, olives, and ranch dressing... voila!

Looks delicious!